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發布時間: 2022-04-21 11:38:18

❶ 問一下大家啊,DOTA為什麼沒落了DOTA2、英雄聯盟真這么好玩嗎玩了一下英雄聯盟,還真不怎麼樣。


❷ 為什麼dota會越來越沒落了





❸ DOTA1真的沒落了嗎


❹ dota為什麼沒落,lol為什麼占時取代了do

②dota的畫面不如lol好看; dota2在中國發行的太慢,要不然也不會被搶走這么多玩家。

滿意請採納 O(∩_∩)O~

❺ 中國的dota有多厲害(以前和現在)


So im really Only here to show appreciation to any of you Chinese redditors. I've recently moved to China, and playing on Chinese servers is a blessing. Random draft is amazing! Good on you guys, for keeping it alive!


I'm 4.5k and when I first started playing in China I lost a lot, I found myself not being on the same level as people here. They had incredible team play. They always tp counter gank, Always work together to secure objectives and very few players play selfish. In my last three months of Dota, I can count with my fingers how many griefers I encountered. And every time I report someone action is always taken.


I barely speak Chinese, I have basic understanding though and can figure out what the team is doing, and it really hasn't slowed my team down the slightest. Regardless of language barriers, dota is still dota, and people in the same mmr usually have similar instincts.


The greatest thing about games here Is, nobody flames, nobody blames you for making a mistake and rarely do teams harm each other by stealing farm or fighting over courier. So you don't feel under pressure, and best of all you get this feeling, a very special feel that you have 4 allies. It's like back in the US id always feel like I'm about to join a game with 9 enimes,4 of which who have a shared goal with me so we work together only because we want that +25. However over here in China I feel like these guys are actually my allies, people you can trust and even fall in love with for that 40 minute game.


I know this is a blog post, but truly thank you very much China, for allowing me to experience Dota in an incredible way. I hope we can learn from them. Let's start with the man in the mirror.我知道這只是一篇博客文章,但真的非常感謝中國,讓我以難以置信的方式體驗Dota。我希望我們(外國玩家)能以人為鏡。



I have had this feeling too on EUW since i started muting all my 4 teammates right at the start.


hon_uninstalled 3指標28天前

If you get 5 cores in your team, perhaps... just perhaps you're part of the problem also?


shushker 9指標28天前

What is your MMR? I haven't seen a 5 core lineup in an insanely long time since I passed like 3.5K


ashjayanc 4指標28天前

To be fair, there are occassions CH plays in EUW or when I accidentally queued Russia and damn, i always win whenever i see chinese characters on my teammates..(or lose if against them)


machucogp 242指標28天前

looks like it's a... perfect world


h3llz 66指標28天前

Me, as a foreigner, living in China can verify this. OP is damn right ,hardly anyone flames, no one resumes the games if anyone needs a pause break, game quality is top notch(4.2k here), and RD mode feels so much fun and balanced than AP.


feizy 223指標28天前

we all know 9k na =3k cn



Trust me there is no server more cancerous than SEA. If u really want to know how it is to play against cancerous team mates and enemies plz queue on SEA you wont regret.



I'm from SEA and e to some region selection error I was sent to China East, I freaked out when everyone was chatting in chinese but then I told them I'm not from there, they changed to english (including the thrash talk lol), they were really fun to play with and less flaming with I'm used to, if not for the high ping I prefer playing there


ehalf 20指標28天前

I don't play on Chinese server but I watch a lot of Chinese streams. Indeed dota in Chinese server is a different game. Mostly, how the game is played and the player mentality is far more superior than at least US pubs( which I'm playing on)I'm ***ing surprised that in 4K-5k games in China, people actually rarely flame. The supports always do their jobs and carry always play with the whole team instead of try to be a jerk "hero". And normally they don't give up games which compare to US server situation, at least 1/2 of games some asshole will either feed or intentionally ruin the game e to very small setbacks, either the asshole is on your team or on the other side.The whole Chinese server is like you play this game to win, and the only way to win the game is play as a team no matter how disgusting your teammates are. I feel like Chinese player has much high tolerance on those we called cancer players and their cancer players are far more less than ours at percentage. I have to get to average mmr above 5.2k in US to see some Chinese level dota games and I feel like there is still high chance some mentally weak kids gonna appear and ruin the game. And we still never have those kind of massive tps in Chinese pub games when pushing tower. I seriously have no idea why Chinese pub can be so professional even at 4K game level.

我不玩國服,但我看了好多國服直播。咱們跟他們玩的都不是一個游戲。人家玩家的玩法和心態比我們強多了(就我接觸的來說)當我看過國服之後我整個人都**驚了,45千分的天梯他們居然很少互噴。輔助兢兢業業買雞買眼,沒人要做團隊毒瘤。而且他們比美服更不容易放棄。在我們這里,至少有一半的游戲是因為一些silly b的小挫折而送人頭故意破壞游戲整個中國的伺服器就像你玩這個游戲一樣,贏得比賽的唯一方法就是扮演一個團隊,無論你的隊友多麼惡心。我覺得中國人對所謂毒瘤的耐受度很高,他們毒瘤的比例也遠遠低於我們的百分比。在美國,我必須達到5.2k以上的平均水平,得到中國級的dota游戲體驗,就算這樣熊孩子會出現並毀掉游戲的機會還是很高的。國服推塔時,也沒什麼蠢逼。我真的不知道為什麼中國4000分就能這么專業。

kchuyamewtwo 17指標28天前

Just played my first game in Chinese servers a few hours agoIncredible pub experience, no spam of gg noob or bobo, no all chat blaming and feeding all gameTeamplay oriented, TP counterganks and responses from early to midgame, barely anyone is overextendingI was a support veno and I was just creepblocking for mid dire and they thought I was going mid so they went sidelanes and noone flamed me for "stealing mid or taking their lane"the only down side I have is around 0.5 delay, but the game quality makes up for it. and the chinese language which I might miss their calls or what they wanna do with the game but chatwheel is used a lot and is enough.


madisonmay 7指標28天前

I play in USE but somehow got placed in a match on a China server recently. I don't speak a word of Chinese, so I expected the game to be miserable and to get flamed for not speaking mandarin (like USE does when a player doesn't a speak English). To the contrary, my team thought it was hilarious that I had gotten placed on a Chinese server, and went to a huge amount of effort to make sure I knew what was going on. They used chat wheel so things were auto translated, and one person acted as a translator so I knew what was happening in voice chat. It was honestly a very enjoyable game with some quality team play.5/7 would get placed on Chinese server game again.


hugeheadliang 6指標28天前

People do flame each other in Chinese server, but those flamers usually stay in the game and still contribute to the game, rather than intentionally feed


BlackThatch 2指標27天前

Then we ***ing wonder why Valve gives no shit about Western scene and focuses on China. We ***ing ruined this game for ourselves.


gladiator003 指標28天前

china numba wanchina



❻ dota為什麼會沒落


❼ dota解說之中,09、海濤和pis哪個名氣更大還有dota現在是不是趨向沒落了


❽ 《Dota》的在中國完整歷史包括戰隊史是什麼


1、2006年1月15日,DotA-Allstars 6.27b中文版發布。

2、2006年3月17日,DotA-Allstars 6.28B漢化版發布。

3、2006年4月,DotA-Allstars 6.30發布。

4、2006年8月,DotA-Allstars 6.32中文版發布。

5、2008年3月18日,DotACN發布DotA 6.51中文版,






5、2006年3月,第一屆RDL DOTA比賽。第一次大型線上DOTA比賽,由於組織和規則上的問題,從很多方面來說,這次比賽並不是很成功。GL力壓眾強,拔得頭籌。其中沉淪操作的女王,作為GL AOE陣容4保1的戰術核心給玩家留下深刻印象。

6、國內玩家的 REP就是GL在這次賽事里的REP,沉淪,輝月,小熊貓,萬寶路等人給人印象深刻,他們應該是中國DOTA界的第一代偶像級選手。並且這次賽事讓GL,Hust,IFNT,MAGE,EDU這些隊伍打響了強隊的名氣。

7、在國外留學生的努力下,很多歐美的REP進入中國玩家的視野,JMC,COL,TPD被認為是當時最好的隊伍,他們重視控線的打法成為當時國內 的主流,重視兵線的控制和對英雄的壓制,取得一定的優勢或者完成必須的道具(梅肯)後,開始在中路集合推進,雙方在中路華麗的決斗,勝利的一方利用梅肯的 恢復能力,不停的前進,然後雙方不停的決斗,直到一方崩潰。

❾ Dota現在沒落了嗎為什麼


❿ 為什麼人們常說:中國DOTA與世界為敵



老Dota的玩家還記得當時的5個玩家:Burning, Dai, 357, Kingj和820,有人說他們想當第一?擊敗Ehome。就是在那個時候,中國的DOTA開始與世界反目。





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