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發布時間: 2023-06-28 08:50:09

1. 吃雞主播闊瀾bgm叫什麼


2. pubg勝利之舞96歌名叫什麼


3. 絕地求生背景音樂

絕地求生的背景音樂為《PUBG's MainTheme》


《絕地求生》(PUBG) 是一款戰術競技型射擊類沙盒游戲。游戲在中國由騰訊游戲獨家代理運營。

該游戲中,玩家需要在游戲地圖上收集各種資源,並在不斷縮小的安全區域內對抗其他玩家,讓自己生存到最後。 游戲《絕地求生》除獲得G-STAR最高獎項總統獎以及其他五項大獎 ,還打破了7項吉尼斯紀錄。

4. 絕地求生 吃雞bgm是哪首歌




這首歌的作者是tom salta;

Tom Salta是多才多藝,多產的音樂作曲家/製作人之一,從事多媒體工作,包括電影,電視,廣告以及最著名的電子游戲。薩爾塔因為為媒體製作令人難忘的,情感上引人入勝的音樂而聞名,因其在PERSIA王子的重磅特許經營作品中的獨特世界級製作得分而廣受好評;

5. pubg舞蹈bgm有哪些


6. 吃雞最火的歌曲是哪些

吃雞最火的歌曲是《HandClap》、《On My Way》、《大哥別殺我》。

《HandClap》,是一首發布於2016年的英文歌曲,歌曲原唱者是Fitz & The Tantrums,曾作為2017年上映的電影《神偷奶爸3》的宣傳曲而大火。不過真正讓這首歌走上巔峰的,還是抖音上的吃雞視頻。

Fitz & the Tantrums搖滾樂隊,中文名叫菲茲鬧脾氣樂隊,核心人物名叫Michael Fitzpatrick。該樂隊成軍於2008年,最早在洛杉磯展開演藝活動。2008年時,組合就在好萊塢的Hotel Café 進行了首秀。2010年8月時,組合憑借首張專輯《Pickin" Up the Pieces》而走紅,並登上B榜為新人設置的Heatseekers chart第一名。

7. 吃雞十大神曲都是哪些

《天行健》、《shade of you》、《shade of you》、《Just Blue》、《HandClap》、《小蘋果》、《小雞小雞》、《我的滑板鞋》 、《我相信》、《在你身邊》。


《HandClap》是由Jeremy Ruzumna、James KingEric、Frederic作詞作曲,Fitz & The Tantrums演唱的歌曲。該曲收錄於Fitz & The Tantrums2016年6月10日發行的專輯《Fitz & the Tantrums》中,是《神偷奶爸3》的電影宣傳曲。

8. 抖音絕地求生音樂叫什麼 絕地求生音樂BGM分享


歌手:白一陽(歌曲原唱Fitz & The Tantrums)

作詞:Jeremy Ruzumna,James KingEric,Frederic

作曲:Jeremy Ruzumna,James KingEric,Frederic

Turn it up


Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in this city I know

有人拯救了你的靈魂 因為我知道你在這城市裡罪孽深重

Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control

攤上一堆麻煩事 這些所謂的情人讓你失去控制

You're like a d**g to me a luxury my sugar and gold

對我而言 你就像是** 奢侈品 我的糖果 我的黃金

I want the good life


Every good night you're a hard one to hold


Cause you don't even know


I can make your hands clap


Said I can make your hands clap


Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in this city I know

有人拯救了你的靈魂 因為我知道你在這城市裡罪孽深重

Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control

攤上一堆麻煩事 這些所謂的情人讓你失去控制

You're like a d**g to me a luxury my sugar and gold

對我而言 你就像是** 奢侈品 我的糖果 我的黃金

I want your sex and your affection when they're holding you close

當他們靠近你時 我想得到你的** 你的愛慕

Cause you don't even know


I can make your hands clap


Said I can make your hands clap


Every night when the stars come out


Am I the only living soul around


Need to believe you could hold me down

我得相信 你有本事可以壓倒我

Cause I'm in need of something good right now


We could be screaming till the sun comes out

我們可以徹夜笙歌 直達天明

And when we wake we'd be the only sound


I get on my knees and say a prayer :James Brown

我跪在地上 做著禱告 James Brown

That I can make your hands clap


That I can make your hands clap


Turn it up


That I can make your hands clap


My flesh is searching for your worst and rest don't ever deny

我的**在尋找著你的一切 毫不懷疑

I'm like a stranger gimme me danger

我就像個陌生人那樣 讓我陷入危險之中

All your wrongs and your rights


Secrets on broadway to the freeway you're a keeper of crimes

就是你從百老匯被貶為凡人的秘密 你不犯罪就是不爽

Fear no conviction grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine


But you don't even know


I can make your hands clap


Said I can make your hands clap


Every night when the stars come out


Am I the only living soul around


Need to believe you could hold me down

我得相信 你有本事可以壓倒我

Cause I'm in need of something good right now


We could be screaming till the sun comes out

我們可以徹夜笙歌 直達天明

And when we wake we'd be the only sound


I get on my knees and say a prayer : James Brown

我跪在地上 做著禱告 James Brown

That I can make your hands clap


That I can make your hands clap


That I can make your hands clap


That I can make your hands clap


So can I get a handclap

所以 我能得到別人的掌聲么


《HandClap》是由Jeremy Ruzumna、James KingEric、Frederic作詞作曲,Fitz & The Tantrums演唱的歌曲。

該曲收錄於Fitz & The Tantrums2016年6月10日發行的專輯《Fitz & the Tantrums》中,是《神偷奶爸3》的電影宣傳曲。


9. 吃雞必備7首bgm歌曲


第一首:《HandClap》,歌手:Fitz & the Tantrums,這首歌曲又叫做98K,簡直是吃雞必備神曲!

第二首:《FAIRY TAIL メインテーマ》,歌手:高梨康治,這首歌曲是《妖精的尾巴》BGM,用在吃雞游戲上也是讓人一身熱血沸騰。


第四首 :《蘇喂蘇喂》,歌手:楓宇辰,這首伏廳歌曲聽著非常得勁,打吃雞游戲起來賊提神,詳細你們會愛上這首歌曲的。


第六首:《Immortals》,歌手:Fall Out Boy,這首歌曲是《超能陸戰隊》的主題曲,熱血激情的旋律也是成為吃雞游戲一首專注、提神必備歌曲。


吃雞最火的歌曲是《HandClap》、《On My Way》、《大哥別殺我》。《HandClap》,是一首發布於2016年的英文歌曲,歌曲原唱者是Fitz & The Tantrums,曾作為2017年上映的電影《神偷奶爸3》的宣傳譽察曲缺虛隱而大火。

10. 抖音絕地求生是什麼歌 背景音樂歌詞分享

《HandClap》是Fitz & The Tantrums演唱的歌曲。(滿意請採納,有問題給留言。)
Turn it up
Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know
Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control
You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold
I want the good life
Every good night you're a hot one to hold
Cause you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap
Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know
Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control
You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold
I want your sex and your affection when I'm holding you close
Cause you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap
Every night when the stars come out
Am I the only living soul around
Need to believe you could hold me down
Cause I'm in need of something good right now
We could be screaming till the sun comes out
And when we wake we be the only sound
Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows
Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap
Turn it up
Bet I can make your hands clap
My fresh is searching for your worst and rest don't ever deny
I'm like a stranger give me danger
All your wrongs and your rights
Secrets on broadway to the freeway you're a keeper of crimes
Feel no conviction grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine
But you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap
Every night when the stars come out
Am I the only living soul around
Need to believe you could hold me down
Cause I'm in need of something good right now
We could be screaming till the sun comes out
And when we wake we be the only sound
Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows
Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap
So can I get a hand clap

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