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㈠ 英語作文網路游戲的危害,傳統游戲的好處

隨著科技的發展,電腦在二十一世紀成了人們必要的用品。隨之而來,網路與我們的生活息息相關,給現代人的生活、工作帶來了無與倫比的方便。 通過網路,我們能查尋有用的資料,了解時事動態等等.當你工作了很長時間後去玩電腦游戲,可以減緩你的精...

㈡ 玩電腦游戲的壞處,英語作文80字

The Harm of Computer Games Now more and more students always spend plenty of their time playing computer games. Some of them can even play from morning to night. How terrible it is! 現在越來越多的學生總是花很多時間來玩電腦游戲。有些甚至可以從早玩到晚玩。這是多麼可怕啊! Playing too much computer games has bad impacts in many ways. For one thing, if students often play computer games, they can't do well in their study, because they always think about the things in computer games instead of the knowledge in books. For another, Sitting before the computer for a long time will cause back pains and headaches. And the radiation from the computers can als...

㈢ 英語作文-電腦游戲利與弊

Most parents and teachers think it is a bad thing to play computer games.They think it is a waste of time and money.Playing too many computer games is also bad for children's eyes and health.
However,computer games can also bring some benefits.They can help people in many ways if people spend proper time on it.Some computer games can improve people's ability of thinking.They can make people think in different ways.Playing computer games can also help people be familiar with the keyboard.If people are familiar with the keyboard,they can type fast.
More and more people begin to disign ecational CD-ROM.They want go any people to gain some knowledge while they are playing computer games.

㈣ 英語作文一篇,電腦游戲的危害,謝謝

computer games has bad impacts in many ways. For one thing, if students often play computer games, they can't do well in their study, because they always think about the things in computer games instead of the knowledge in books. For another, Sitting before the computer for a long time will cause back pains and headaches. And the radiation from the computers can also do harm to our eyes and our minds. What's more, many students are so deeply attracted by some interesting computer games that they communicate less with their families and friends

㈤ 電腦的壞處英語作文

Although the computer to work and play in people's lives brings convenience but it also had a negative impact. For example: Many young people addicted to computer games lead to decreased learning. Some people go to Internet cafes to play computer or even to robbery. Computer typing is easy but many people have become accustomed to writing. The development of the computer while the dissemination of information for the poor provides a convenient. These negative information is harmful to minors.
Sitting at the computer too long cause many people got sick. Not concive to people's health.
Out of the computer so that environmental contamination.

㈥ 網路游戲的危害80詞英語作文

隨著科技的發展,電腦在二十一世紀成了人們必要的用品。隨之而來,網路與我們的生活息息相關,給現代人的生活、工作帶來了無與倫比的方便。 通過網路,我們能查尋有用的資料,了解時事動態等等.當你工作了很長時間後去玩電腦游戲,可以減緩你的精神壓力,放鬆你的心情.並且,上網玩游戲也不完全是壞事,因為學生玩游戲可以鍛煉手、腦的反應能力,滿足學生娛樂需要。 但是網路也有弊。長時間的看電腦,電腦發出的輻射對人體有很大的害處。眼睛長期處於緊張狀態容易造成近視。現在的電腦游戲眾多,某些電腦游戲粗製濫造,甚至含有暴力等不健康內容。有的孩子由於對社會認識不足和自我保護意識缺乏,沉迷網路游戲,網路交友。 其實網路並不可怕,只要我們面對網路時多一些認識,網路就會成為我們學習上的有利助手。讓我們一起創個干凈的網路世界吧 ! With the development of the science and technology,the computer has been becoing the necessity for people in the 21st Century.Following,network is of close link with our life,bringing us incomparable convenience on our life and work. Through the network,we can search for useful datas and get to know the current events.When you play computer games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides,playing online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students' entertaining requests as well as practise their response ability. However,there still exists some disadvantages in the network.The radiation from the computer will do harm to people's health if you keep on watching the computer for a long time.And short sight may caused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so on.Duo to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating. In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let's build a clean network world together.

㈦ 求一篇關於網路的危害的英語作文 假如你是李平 你的筆友王強沉迷電腦游戲嚴重身心健康

Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As agood friend of his, I must do something to help him.

Firstly, I think it』s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend mostof his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell himthat playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for hiseyes.

So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school.Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games.

And thenI'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best tohelp him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and lethim find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents andour teachers to help him, too.


㈧ 「電腦游戲的危害」的英語作文

The Harm of Computer Games
Now more and more students always spend plenty of their time playing computer games. Some of them can even play from morning to night. How terrible it is!
Playing too much computer games has bad impacts in many ways. For one thing, if students often play computer games, they can't do well in their study, because they always think about the things in computer games instead of the knowledge in books. For another, Sitting before the computer for a long time will cause back pains and headaches. And the radiation from the computers can also do harm to our eyes and our minds. What's more, many students are so deeply attracted by some interesting computer games that they communicate less with their families and friends, which will lead to mental problems. Last but not least, some students prefer the fighting games. It is likely that they'll be violent in the real life. That is to say, those who usually play violent games may do crimes more easily. Therefore, the teachers and parents should work together to stop the kids from playing computer games all around the clock.


㈨ 求網路游戲對青少年危害的英語作文

Online games for us the dangers of not absolute, it depends on how you apply it, remember that word: to resist a bad game to refuse pirated games to pay attention to self-protection to guard against fooled moderate games beneficial brain inlging in the game beverages reasonable to arrange a time to enjoy a healthy life!
For example, you can be in an amateur play, when relax, the game was originally the invention of sentence is to help us, does not help not developed! It! Game this thing, because the plot is fascinating, so willpower bad!
For example, I is not playing the game of some homicide, such as through the line of fire, DNF, I am 15 years old, I am more playing Aura Star, Purcell, etc. to develop games. There are time constraints prevent addicted, but there is a lovely spirit, such as cracking!
The vast majority of people are playing computer games on the network, and some even open the computer is just a game I sometimes research system is also very interesting.
Online games not harm the reasonable application but useful.
You want to help!


㈩ 寫一篇玩游戲的利與弊的英語作文,80—120詞,要求寫出玩游戲的看法


I stand in the middle place.I think computer games have both advantages and disadvantage.


On the one hand, as computer games are the proct of high-tech.

they bring wonderful entertainment to our human beings, which make our life much more colorful.


On the other hand, computer games are easy for people to be addicted in it.As mention above.

it is high- tech proct that will attract people』s attention as easy as ABC.


Most parents and teachers think it is a waste of time and money.Playing too many computer games is also bad for children's eyes and health.


To sum up, computer games bring good and bad for human beings nowadays.Just the saying says,」 every coin has two sides.」

We can not define one thing only by one aspect.


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